Learning to Decompress

Ten weeks in Costa Rica. Lots of time at the beach, in the pool and relaxing. We are four and a half weeks in with five and a half weeks to go. It has been a wonderful time for our family–experiencing the culture, practicing the language, going to the beach (oh how we’ve missed the beach while living in Tennessee!), enjoying the tropical fruit and just getting out of our regular routine. Always good to change things up every once in awhile to keep the spice in life.

We’re already talking about doing another trip like this, whether it’s back to Costa Rica or to a new destination. From our time working in ministry with Every Nation Ministries, we know people all over the world. Why not go visit? Let’s see new places, experience new things, make some more memories! My husband can work from anywhere as long as he has Internet access, so we want to take advantage of that while we can.

This adventure has definitely been an opportunity for me to learn how to decompress. I’m a “type-A” personality. I love to accomplish things. It makes me feel good. Checking things off my to-do list has almost entirely been put on hold while we’re here. I find myself looking for things to do. I get antsy if I don’t have something to do. There’s not much to do here except go to the beach, go in the pool, surf the web and read. I know, I know….you must be thinking, “Poor you. Life is rough!”

Maybe it would be easier if I didn’t have two small children to entertain without their own toys and at a very non-child-friendly property (house on the side of a steep mountain with a dangerous deck and pool). Watching my kids like a hawk to make sure they don’t fall off the deck or into the pool has replaced other activities of mine. Thank goodness that we got Devon into daycare five mornings a week or I would really be going bonkers trying to entertain him here.

My need to accomplish something has driven me to finally start blogging. My hubby has been encouraging me for months to start a blog, so here we go. I’ve found that the writing process helps me really chew on my thoughts and digest what I’m thinking/feeling/experiencing, which can help me learn more about myself and make adjustments to my thoughts and attitudes as necessary. What a great added benefit.

So have I decompressed after four and a half weeks? Well….that’s probably an ongoing process. I still feel a bit antsy, so I think the answer is no. At least not fully. Has it been good for me? Absolutely. Would I do it again? Absolutely, and hopefully not too far in the future. But I am looking forward to “normal life” again–living in our own house with our own things, being back in a house that’s set up for kids and having access to…almost anything (except the beach; there are trade-offs to everything).

I have loved, loved, loved all the time we’ve been able to spend at the beach. Playing with the kids in the water, picking up shells, enjoying the beauty of God’s creation. (The beach has always been a reminder to me of the majesty, power and magnitude of God.) And we plan to make the most of the rest of our time here and spend as much time at the beach as possible.

The to-do list will still be there when I get home.